Saturday, September 17, 2016

Pastry Pockets

1 cup warm milk
  1 cup warm water
  Half a cup vegetable oil
  1 package instant (powdered) yeast
  1 teaspoon salt
  1 tablespoon sugar
  until it has received the
  For the above
  1 egg yolk
  for inter
  1 teacup of oil

Dissolve the yeast mixture in the bowl mix the milk and water mixture.
  Then Stir in other ingredients except flour.
  After the mixture by adding flour to get the consistency of soft dough.
  Let stand about 30 minutes off the base for fermentation.
  Then the egg sized pieces from the rested dough tore open the dough to the size of your hand.
  The persistent doubled and doubled again driving on vegetable oil fat again.
  a tray lightly pulling the lower end of the post.
  The rest of persistent egg yolk on top of the tray for about 15 minutes.
  Bake 180 degrees oven, giving the latest.
  Add the stuffing is cooked as you wish between the floors.

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