Monday, September 26, 2016

Morel Mushroom Bruschetta

Morel Mushroom Bruschetta Ingredients (2 people / 5 min)
1 clove garlic
Extra-virgin olive oil
2 handful of morel mushrooms
1 palms up fresh thyme
15-20 g butter
Vegetable juice
2 large slices of your favorite bread or baguette
1 pinch of powdered parmesan
Salt / Pepper

Fry in a little olive oil spread on your bread or toast in the pan-track machine.

Morel mushrooms, nonstick sauté pan with extra virgin olive oil.

Taken on the color of Zn stir up within 1 handful fresh thyme and stir.

Add salt, black pepper and butter.

add a little vegetable broth over the mixture to obtain a creamy texture.

Fried sheep track this creamy mushrooms on your bread.

While bruschetta parmesan powder on your service and add extra virgin olive oil.

dried mushrooms you have received your way, hot water or better you need to do to solve them in hot vegetable stock. In this way, the taste of mushrooms will be passed on to your vegetable juice. Ye ye tempt the taste of mushrooms you use vegetable juice palate will be better times.

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