Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fruit Roll Pudding

Custard Fruit Roll Materials

Ingredients for pudding
150 gr. margarine
1.5 cups flour
1 liter milk
1.5 cups granulated sugar
1 packet of vanilla

Materials for base
½ package twice-baked biscuits pötibör
½ packet of chocolate biscuits pötibör

Materials for Inter
10 chopped strawberries
2 bananas

Melt the margarine in a saucepan, then add the flour and cook until the color space. cook, stirring constantly until you get consistency add the latest vanilla and sugar, add the milk, stirring constantly slowly taken by color.

Bring biscuits destroying the base and into the sand for publication to the base of the furnace vessel. Pour over the custard is cooked thoroughly publication of the stretch film and let stand until cool completely covering it in the closet.

The custard is thoroughly cooled, longitudinally 3 'to divide and cut transversely in the middle. Sprinkle berries to make slice and serve the ends of the roll.

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