Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Berries Tiramisu

Tiramisu Materials
1 packet of cat language
2 cups hot water
4 tablespoons granulated coffee
Mixed berries

Materials for Mascarpone Cream
4 egg yolks
2.5 cups granulated sugar
1 stick vanilla
1.5 cups flour
½ cup cornstarch
2 tablespoons butter
4 cups milk
4 cups heavy cream
750 g. mascarpone cheese
½ cup heavy cream

Get the milk and cream in a saucepan. Remove the vanilla pod and seeds of the split in half, add the milk and heat.

Bring another pot of boiling, put a small amount of water taken into the stove. Insert the mixing bowl over a saucepan with sugar and egg yolks well with wire whisk beater. Flour mixture thickens, stir in the butter and continue mixing starch. When warm sand mixture as the milk cream mixture, add egg mixture constantly flapping slowly and thoroughly blend and continue to cook until you get the consistency. Pastry cream is cooked, cover the taking over of stretch film in a bowl and leave to cool.

In a separate bowl whisk thoroughly blister cream. Mix the cream, add the mascarpone cheese from the inside out fighting. Finally AmAsInI cooled pastry cream and mix them in the same way by mixing the inside out turn out to obtain a homogeneous consistency.

Dissolve coffee granules in hot water and take a large bowl.

Cats soften their language, immersing individual coffee blend and borcamı the base directory. Cover with cream on the mascapone you prepare, then sprinkle with the arrival of the beautiful berries. One more coffee the rest of the cat language directory in the remaining cream over the cat language covering the refrigerator.

Sprinkle with cocoa before serving decorate with berries.

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